A busy schedule gets in the way of exercise. If this is your excuse, there is good news. High intensity short duration exercise will produce many of the same health benefits as a longer lasting exercise sessions. In fact, many experts feel that this approach may yield better results.
There are many programs all over the internet that you can follow. I find the following the most compelling – the 7-minute workout.
The idea is to focus several brief exercises on 4 body parts: legs/back, quads/gluts, arms/shoulders, and abdominals. Each exercise is done for 30 seconds at maximum intensity followed by only 10 seconds rest. First you do the one body part, then the next and so on. When all 4 body parts have been exercised, you return to the first one but with a different exercise.
Remember to go all out when you do the exercise, maximum intensity! You’ll be huffing at the end of it but you’ll be done in just 7 minutes.
Do the workout at least 3 times per week. Enjoy!
The 7-Minute Workout

You can substitute any of the exercises above with another as long as the exercise targets the right body part. And make sure you work it maximally! 🙂